BTA Teams can collectively carry out BTAs, effectively communicate amongst themselves and monitor the progress of interventions, follow-ups and safety plans.

This behavioral threat assessment instrument follows the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) developed by Professor Dewey Cornell of the University of Virginia. Our software also supports the Virginia Model and the USSS NTAC Model. View our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Easy to Use Yet Powerful

At-A-Glance Tracking  • Identify Persons of Interest  • Develop and Monitor Interventions  • Quick Updates  • Case Prioritization

Digital Case Management

  • Track Assessments
  • Track Persons of Interest
  • Powerful Analytics
  • Email Alerting
  • Intervention Management
Report - Interventions by Due Date

Data Sharing Across Multiple Disciplines

Improve communication – gain more insight.

Accessible Anywhere

Behavioral Threat Assessment application accessible from multiple device types

Browser-based Application

Hosted on your secure server/intranet/VPN


Access the application from the desktop in your office

Mobile Phones

Mobile-friendly means BTA information at your fingertips


Touch screen device ready – iPads, Microsoft Surface, etc.

Data-driven Analytics

  • Early Warnings By Threshold
  • By Threat Type
  • By Threat Level
  • By Person Name
  • By Week
  • Interventions by Date
  • Interventions Past Due

Learn more. Download the PDF presentation that’s right for your organization.