USA Software, Inc. is pleased to announce that Amarillo ISD, based in the Texas Panhandle city of Amarillo, has implemented our Behavorial Threat Assessment Digital Case Management System, a powerful CSTAG-based tool that will help manage the behavioral threat assessments they undertake.
School Districts across the country have created Behavioral Threat Assessment Teams in their schools in an effort to prevent targeted mass violence. In many states, like Texas, Florida, Ohio and more, it is mandated by law. School Districts like Amarillo ISD TX, Dublin City Schools OH, Lake County FL, Fort Smith Schools AR and others, are getting ahead of the curve by getting their BTA Teams trained and by implementing our powerful, CSTAG-based software tool to manage their case load! Their BTA data will be housed in a database where the BTA Teams can easily enter and access this data as well as perform analytics at the push of a button from a desktop or mobile device. This will allow them to focus on school safety, prevention, intervention, and threat mitigation. And focus on Education!
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